- 德国 API TGD™ - 液位,温度,压力和密度测量装置
品牌:德国 API 加工定制:是 型号:TGD™ 类型:超声波 测量范围:继电器 输出电流:4~20 mA 测量精度:0.1mm 工作温度:200 ℃ 材质:不锈钢 电源电压:24V DC 适用范围:液体、和液化气体 TGD™ - 液位,温度,压力和密度测量装置
储罐测量装置 - TGD™是用于水平(*多15个点),温度,压力和密度的同时测量。 它用于测量底水在坦克和石油仓储码头,成品油和液化气,FSO,FPSO,海上钻井平台,以及为产品体积,存储在水库和子弹坦克估计,使用体积重量法。
·GLF技术确保等于测量精度的整缸 - 从顶部到底部。
·布线 - 只有2线
·无移动部件 - 寿命更长
TGD™ - Liquid Level, Temperature, Pressure and Density Measurement DeviceTank Gauging Device - TGD™ is designed for simultaneous measurement of level, temperature (up to 15 points), pressure and density. It is used for measurement of bottom water in tanks and storage terminals of oil, oil products and liquefied gases, on offshore drilling platforms, FSO and FPSO, as well as for estimation of product volume, stored in reservoirs and bullet tanks, using volume-weight method.
Depending on the application type, TGD™ can be supplied as a 1-channel (level or temperature measurement), 2-channel (level + temperature; temperature + density), 3-channel (level, temperature and pressure/density) or 4-channel version (level, temperature, pressure and density).
Operation principle of TGD™ is based on the patented principle of Guided Low Frequency (GLF™) wave propagation, which allows equally precise measurements along tank height with any shape of tank and type of liquid.
Principle and Advantages of GLF™ Technology:
· GLF technology measures difference in density between air and liquid.
· Tank geometry and objects inside the tank, such as ladders, heating pipes, etc. do not affect the signal.
· GLF technology secures equal measurement accuracy of the whole tank – from top to bottom.
· Automatic calibration with accuracy of 1mm every 2 seconds.
· GLF technology is not affected by foam.
· GLF technology allows a reduced number of sensors to be installed in tank.
· Flexible solution with possibility for waveguide to be bent/curved.TGD™ Features:
· Automatic calibration
· High level of accuracy
· Less cabling – only 2 wires
· No moving parts – longer lifetime
· Flexible and easy installation
· Explosion proof -