- 美国 Babbitt FT4100 粉尘排放检测仪
品牌:美国 Babbitt 加工定制:是 型号:FT4100 流量范围:4m/s L/min 连续工作时间:1000000000000 min 测量范围:0.1mg/m3至1kg/m3 检测灵敏度:0.1mg 重复性误差:10-180s 环境温度:-20至45°C 工作温度:800 ℃ 尺寸:>0.3um mm 重量:2.3 kg 电源:115VAC/230VAC/24VDC
FT 4 1 0 0粉尘排放流量变送器
FT4100设计感通过除尘器或袋式过滤器中的粉尘排放量。 这个非常敏感的设备允许用户连续监测的排放水平,并记录数据。
FT4100允许简单,无需校准,“插件和播放”监测在袋式除尘器的过滤条件。 的固体316SS探头放置在排气管道的灰尘收集器。通过由探头的灰尘颗粒诱导的电荷沿着低噪声同轴电缆进行到控制单元。 所述控制单元显示所感测的值,警报,并提供了一个4-20mA的输出成比例的排放水平。
半圆形的条形图显示粉尘泄漏水平,在对数刻度(现场可选择线性规模也是标准)。 条形图对应的实时数字读数。 闪烁的“报警”和“预可见”消息信号时,已超出设定点。 条形图的一个分部,将持有的峰值读数,使运营商能够在一个快速变化的环境中观察的峰值。
发生在两个不同的时间,并在两个不同级别在除尘器的粉尘排放。 *个是基准线排放水平,这是正常泄漏时,合作〜讲师操作。 通常情况下,更高的排放水平时,就会发生脉冲或反向空气清洁过滤器。
FT4100允许操作者精确地设定报警设定值时,基准线泄漏的增加,当在清洁过程中的峰值电平增加或两者! 一时间延迟(0-60秒)是用户可编程的,通过键盘来过滤掉两个设定的滋扰报警。 一个板上继电器是两个报警信号的输出。 4-20mA电流信号成正比粉尘泄漏的灰尘过滤条件进行记录或远程监控。
- 没有校准 - 自动换档。
- 2个设置点报警。
- 4-20mA输出录制。
- LCD条形图显示。
- 实时数字读数。
- 峰值捕捉显示器。
- 可锁定键盘。
- 符合环保局过滤器检漏条例。
- 监控过滤性能,恕不另行基线数据。
- 保护下游设备。
- 消除意外停机。
- 防止产品损失和清理。
FT 4100的报警设置质量水平的3倍以上的粉尘,通常通过过滤器逃脱。 趋势线的尖峰造成的清洗周期持续5-15秒。 由于佩戴过滤器或小的眼泪,*开始增长。 随着时间的推移,尖峰继续增长和扩大超出FT 4100的报警延迟时间。 FT4100将触发报警,在这一点,并希望该系统可关闭,在发病前的可见排放。 FT4100不挫伤清洗周期的峰值,从而提供卓越的报警和记录。
FT4100来完整的电子电路板安装在一个NEMA 4X外壳,15英尺的低噪声同轴电缆和连接器,和316不锈钢探头安装在一个防爆外壳。
一个可选的屏蔽屏幕探头。 屏蔽屏幕被设计用于保护探头从在管道中,可能是由附近的风扇或电机的不必要的电噪声。 它也可以屏蔽探头从流浪创建的静电电荷的非金属管道。 的的屏蔽屏幕渗出到地的电噪声,才达到的探头,同时允许在空气流中的灰尘碰撞传感探头。
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- FT4100产品手册
功率: 120VAC 50/60Hz的标准。 24VDC是可选的。 保险丝: 在板0.032安培 模拟输出: 4-20mA输出比例显示。 非隔离,500ohms*大。 继电器输出: 1个C接触,SPDT继电器,5安培电阻240VAC,24VDC。 传感器: 被动传感器。 无电压或活性成分。 本质安全: 控制单元建成本质安全屏障。 显示方式: 半圆形的液晶显示器(LCD)在对数或线性刻度。
实时数字显示。 峰值指示。 “报警”指示“和”预可见。时间延迟: 1,5秒或30秒延迟选择。 过程输入: 3/4“NPT标准1.5”卡箍快速连接可选。 探头空气净化是可以作为一个选项,这两种连接类型。涂层探针潮湿或导电应用中可作为一种选择。 导管入口: 3/4“NPT标准1.5”,卡箍钳快速连接可选。 温度: 探头:-30华氏度到400华氏度
注 - 温度额定值,请联系工厂与您的应用程序的数据。压力: 85磅75华氏度
注 -高压力等级,请联系工厂与您的应用程序的数据。探头结构: 探头:1/2“直径,316不锈钢3”,6“或12”标准长度。
探头外壳:无铜铸铝防爆外壳。 ,C,D组I级,II级,E组,F,G,III类。电子盒: 非金属; 7“×7”×5“键盘膜和透明亚克力窗口,额定NEMA 4X-12-13 灵敏度: 标准:5.0到5000帕
可选:0.5至500帕粒度: > 0.3微米 风速: 300FPM或更高 精度: + / - 5%的输出范围 规格如有变更,恕不另行通知。
F T 4 1 0 0 Dust Emission Flow Transmitter
The FT4100 is designed to sense dust emissions passing through a filter in a dust collector or bag house. This very sensitive device allows the user to continuously monitor the level of emission, and record the data.
The FT4100 allows simple, no calibration, "plug and play" monitoring of filter conditions in a baghouse or dust collector. The solid 316SS probe is placed in the discharge duct of the dust collector. Dust particles passing by the probe induce an electrical charge that is carried along the low noise coaxial cable to the control unit. The control unit displays the sensed values, alarms and provides a 4-20mA output proportional to the level of emissions.
For applications that have electrically conductive dusts, condensate or moisture which would cause a build-up on the sensing probe we offer a system with a coated probe that will be unaffected by such conditions; please specify option "PP" when ordering for this option.
A semi-circular bar graph displays the dust leakage levels on a logarithmic scale (field selectable linear scale is also standard). The bar graph corresponds to a real time digital readout. A flashing "Alarm" and "Pre-Visible" message signals when set points have been exceeded. One segment of the bar graph will hold the peak value reading allowing operators to observe the peak value in a fast changing environment.
Dust emissions occur at two different times and at two different levels in a dust collector. The first is the baseline emission level, which is the normal leakage whenever the co~lector is in operation. Typically a higher emission level occurs when the filters are being pulsed or cleaned by reverse air.
The FT4100 allows the operator to precisely set the alarm setpoint when the baseline leakage increases, when the peak levels during cleaning increase or both! A time delay (0-60 seconds) is user programmable via the keypad to filter out nuisance alarms for both setpoints. One on-board relay is the output for both alarm signals. A 4-20mA signal proportional to the dust leakage is provided for recording or remote monitoring of the dust filters condition.
Features of the FT4100:
- No Calibration - Auto-Ranging.
- 2 Setpoints for Alarm.
- 4-20mA Output for Recording.
- LCD Bar-Graph Display.
- Real-Time Digital Readout.
- Peak Value Capture Display.
- Lockable Keypad.
Benefits of the FT4100:
- Comply with EPA Filter Leak Regulations.
- Monitor Filter Performance without Prior Baseline Data.
- Protect Downstream Equipment.
- Eliminate Unplanned Shutdowns.
- Prevent Product Loss and Cleanup.
The following illustration shows how a chart recorder can be used to record emission history and predict bag house or cartridge filter failure.
The FT 4100's alarm is set at 3 times over the mass level of the of dust that normally escapes through the filters. The spikes on the trend line are cause by cleaning cycles of 5-15 second duration. As worn filters or small tears appear, the spike begin to grow. Over time, the spikes continue to grow and widen beyond the FT 4100's alarm delay time. The FT4100 alarm will be triggered at this point and the system can be shut down, hopefully, before the onset of visible emissions. The FT4100 does not dampen out cleaning cycle spikes, thus providing superior alarming and recording.
The FT4100 comes complete with the electronic circuit board mounted in a NEMA 4X enclosure, 15 feet of low noise coaxial cable and connectors, and a 316 stainless steel probe mounted in an explosion-proof enclosure.
For applications that have electrically conductive dusts, condensate or moisture which would cause a build-up on the sensing probe we offer a system with a coated probe that will be unaffected by such conditions; please specify option "PP" when ordering for this option.
An optional Shield Screen is available for the probe. The Shield Screen is designed to shield the probe from unwanted electrical noise in the duct that may be caused by nearby fans or motors. It can also shield the probe from stray static electrical charges created in non-metallic ducts. The Shield Screen bleeds the electrical noise to ground, before it reaches the probe, while allowing the dust in the air stream to collide with the sensing probe.
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- FT4100 Product Brochure
Ordering Information
Power: 120VAC 50/60Hz standard. 24VDC is optional. Fuse: On-board 0.032 Amp Analog Output: 4-20mA output proportional to display. Non-isolated, 500ohms max. Relay Output: 1 Form C contact, SPDT relay, 5Amp resistive at 240VAC; 24VDC. Sensor: Passive sensor. No voltage or active components. Intrinsic Safety: Intrinsic Safety Barrier is built into the control unit. Display: Semi-circular LCD display in logarithmic or linear scale.
Real-time digital display. Peak value indication. "Alarm" and "Pre-Visible" indication.Time Delay: ON DELAY selectable for 1, 5 or 30 seconds. Process Entry: 3/4" NPT standard. 1.5" triclamp quick-connect optional. Probe air purge is available as an option with both connection types. Coated probe for wet or conductive applications is available as an option. Conduit Entry: 3/4" NPT standard. 1.5" triclamp-clamp quick-connect optional. Temperature: Probe: -30 deg F to +400 deg F
Electronics: -13 deg F to 160 deg F
Note - High temperature ratings are available, contact the factory with your application data.Pressure: 85 psi @ 75 deg F.
Note - High pressure ratings are available, contact the factory with your application data.Probe Construction: Probe: 1/2" diameter, 316 stainless steel. 3", 6" or 12"length standard.
Insulator: Teflon.
Probe Housing: Copper-free cast aluminum explosion-proof enclosure. Class I, Group C, D; Class II, Group E,F,G; Class III.Electronics Enclosure: Non-metallic; 7" x 7" x 5" with membrane keypad and clear acrylic window; rated NEMA 4X-12-13 Sensitivity: Standard: 5.0 to 5000 pA
Optional: 0.5 to 500 pAParticle Size: >0.3 micron Air Velocity: 300FPM or higher Accuracy: +/- 5% of output range Specifications are subject to change without notice.