• 德国 LASE 三维激光扫描仪 2000D


     品牌:德国 LASE  型号:2000D  加工定制:是  
     类型:台式的  测量范围:1000 m 测量精度:1 mm 
     适用范围:测距 定位    

    激光扫描仪的2000 d系列是二维非接触发出激光测距系统建造的工业环境中,也可用在室外应用。扫描器接口输出轮廓数据记录周围环境使用常数原始数据将与距离和角度值。

    LASE 2000D Series

    The laser scanners out of our LASE 2000D-Series are two-dimensional contactless distance measuring systems built for the industrial environment, which are also usable for outdoor applications. The scanner interface outputs the contour data on the recorded surroundings by working with constant raw data incorporating with distance and angle values.

    The 2D-profiles of the surrounding is scanned by the multiple pulsed IR laser beams transmitted via a rotating lens head. The LASE 2000D sends extremely short light pulses, measures the running time of these pulses to the object and back, calculates the distance as well as determines the angle of the pulses sent back to produce at a max. rate of 15 times per second and creates a profile picture of the complete environment, including all objects.

    Depending on the scanner type the LASE 2000D-Series has a capture range of 120 m radius on dark targets and 250 m on bright targets in an angle up to 360°. Due to an optional swiveling platform (3D-Unit) even a 3D-Profile can be represented.

    With the large measuring range, unrestricted scan angle and high angular resolution, this scanner can be used in different kinds of industries:

    • Measurement of length, width, height, level and situation of objects and environments
    • Positioning of objects for crane control optimization
    • Container recognition/measurement in ports
    • Profile and volume measurement
    • Object protection
    • Measurement of bulk material on conveyor belts or transport vehicles

    By the way, the scanners out of the LASE 2000D-13x series are long-range scanners with an increased range.

    Download attachments:
    • Data sheet: LASE 2000D-22x Series.pdf
    • Data sheet: LASE 2000D-13x Series.pdf
    • Data sheet: LASE 2000D-11x Series.pdf


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